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Astral Projection Research Paper

Thesis: More people than ever are engaging in astral projection, and finding that it can change the overview of life and expand the mind. ExplanationA. DescriptionB. DefinitionII. FearsA. TypesB. ConqueringIII. Expanding the Mind to a New OverviewIV. TechniquesA. Lucid DreamingB. TranceC. Visualization--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Throughout history, people have been experiencing astral projection. Commonly called out-of-body experiences (OBEs), these are events in which one's consciousness actually seems to be separate from the physical body. These are often described by people who have near-death experiences(NDEs). Until recently, they were kept secret by the people who experienced them for fear of being deemed insane by society. However, there were those few who pursued this experience with an open, yet sometimes fearful, mind. These people expanded their minds to become more open and peaceful. More people than ever are engaging in astral projection, and finding that it can change the overview of life and expand the mind.The concept of astral projection is far from a new one. The idea that the soul may be able to detach itself from the physical body at the time of death is the backbone of most religions. For people who accept that concept, it should not be too great a leap to speculate that the human spirit might also be able to leave the body temporarily to make short trips on its own while the body is alive. Still, to people who have never had this experience, the idea of astral projection is a strange one (Duncan 14).Most OBEs have common features. For instance, the subjects often see their own physical body during the experience, like any other object in the room. They usually report having "ghostly" bodies that can pass through solid objects during the experience. Sometimes others even see their ghostly bodies! They also report floating or flying, and often report seeing places...

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