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AssistedSuicide Right or Wrong

Deciding when to die and when to live is an issue that has only recently begun to confront patients all over the world. There is an elderly man lying in a hospital bed, he just had his fourth heart attack and is in a persistent vegetative state. He is hooked up to a respirator and has more tubes and IVs going in and out of his body everywhere. These kinds of situations exist in every hospital everyday. Should physicians or doctors be allowed to assist patients, like this one, in death? Even though, physician-assisted suicide is illegal in the U.S., many doctors are helping suffering patients die. Physicians should not provide treatments that have a low chance of succeeding, such as respirators for patients in a permanent vegetative state. Rita L. Maker, an attorney and executive director of the International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force, believes the debate isnt about the tragic, personal act of suicide, nor is it about attempted suicidethe current debate is about whether public policy should be changed in a way that will transform prescriptions from poison into medical treatment(45). Oregon is the only state that allows assisted suicide. A doctor will prescribe medication and the pharmacist will say be sure to take all of these pills at one time-with a light snack or alcohol-to induce death(45). The states insurance companies pay for the medication, which are paid for by Medicaid called comfort care(46).Whether other states embrace Oregon-style care will depend upon a willingness to carefully examine what truly is at stake in this debateabout public policy(46). It does not matter about your point of view on physician-assisted suicide; its the layout and plan that matters. For example Walter Dellinger, acting solicitor general, said the least costly treatment for any illness is lethal medication he was right. A prescription for a deadly overdose runs about thirty five dollars the patient wont consume any more health c...

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