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Aristotles Nichomachean Ethics

Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics In the Ethics, Aristotle continues the seemingly endless search for happiness and the ultimate superior lifestyle. Like Socrates, Aristotle believed that the life of the philosopher was the most pleasant and had the potential to bring the most happiness. Happiness is a state that is interpreted differently by different people. Some identify happiness with virtue, while others identify it with honor received by others or with virtues/excellences. Aristotle describes happiness as being a final end meaning that is not chosen as a means to something else. For example, people often associate wealth with happiness, but this cannot be for wealth is nothing in itself. It is always used to get something or somewhere else. Happiness is the activity of the psyche exhibiting excellence, in accordance with the best and most complete (1098a15). It is the goodness of a persons soul or psyche, such as health is the goodness of a persons body. Therefore, someone should not seek happiness but rather seek deserving to be happy; just as one would not seek to be healthy, but instead seek to deserve that health by taking care of themselves. The Greek word eudoimonia includes both the notion of behaving well and the notion of faring well (being a good person and doing well in life). We have a tendency to identify goodness with inner features of a person's life, and happiness with outer features of a person's life.The amount of happiness we experience in our lives depends on the substance and importance of activities performed on a daily basis. But how can we distinguish which activities are superior and will bring the most happiness? Activities involving nutrition and growth are shared with plants and animals and activities involving sensory experiences or pleasure are shared with many animals. Our powers to exercise reason and intelligence are what separate us from all other living things. We must perform these u...

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