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Aristotles Approach to EthicsPlatos Divided Line

PLATO 3) Explain the so-called Divided Line. What do the different levels mean? How does this apply toethics? How does this apply to Knowledge, perception, and/or awareness? Explain in depth and detail. Platos Divided Line is a model indicating not only levels of knowledge, but basically levels ofeverything. It is divided into four levels and two sides. The left side consists of ways we know, becomeaware of, and perceive things, while the right side consists of the objects of knowledge, awareness, andperception. The bottom half includes those things in the physical realm and the top half includes thosethings in the spiritual and intellectual realm. The highest point in the physical realm is the sun, and thehighest point in the spiritual realm is the form of the good and beautiful, both of which are essentiallyimpossible to reach. The different levels mean different things. On the lowest level, the left side is made up of ourimagination, perception, and conjecture. The right side is made up of shadows and mirages. The nextlevel up, on the left, is where we believe something because we see it. The right side of this level iswhere we find all physical things. At the top of the physical realm before entering the spiritual realm, isthe sun. The next level up is the lowest level in the spiritual realm. The left side of this level includesthinking from hypotheses, while the right side includes objects of math and science. The top level inPlatos model contains true knowledge and dialectical thinking on the left. The rite contains all formsand ideas. The topmost point, the forms of the good and beautiful, is the ultimate goal of humanhappiness, or eudaimonia. These non-physical forms are the ultimate reality, the ideal perfect model ofall that exists. These different levels apply to knowledge, perception, awareness, and ethics in the same way. For each of these things, the higher one goes in the model, the higher one go...

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