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Ariosto8217s Orlando Furioso

Even in the classics, an author must have something outrageous to keep his readers attention. Ariosto, in his Orlando Furioso, does so with winged horses and curses placed upon high ranking officials. The main character in cantos 33-35 is Astolfo, and he starts his journey by riding upon a hippogryph. A hippogryph, in mythology, is a flying animal having the wings, claws, and head of a griffin and the body and hindquarters of a horse. Astolfo rides this winged horse for quite awhile, journey through many different lands. During this time, the hippogryph has control over where Astolfo goes, and they end at Ethiopia.In Ethiopia, it is said that fire is used in baptism (canto 33: 102) which proves the Emperor Senapos influence. The land is covered in gold, and everything Astolfo would use iron for was gold. There were gems and precious jewels everywhere, and the lines describe how the Emperor of Ethiopia has absolute power over even the Sultan of Egypt, because the Emperor controls the flow of the Nile. There was never an Emperor more powerful or rich, but Senapo was afflicted with lost eyesight and a horrible curse that wouldnt allow him to eat any meal in peace. These hardships occurred when Senapo was a young man and very arrogant. He decided to battle against God Himself, and climbed the very mountain that the fabled Adam and Eve lived upon. God became very angry with Senapo, and blinded him and opened the gate of hell to little harpy demons that would come and eat any food placed before him. A prophecy told that Senapo would have these afflictions until a man upon a winged horse came flying in to save him, and when Astolfo flew in on his hippogryph, the Emperor thought he at last would be saved.Emperor Senapo invites Astolfo to his dinner table, but the demons still come and eat all the food. Astolfo drew his sword and tried to kill the harpies, but it was no use. They were brought from hell and therefore could not be ...

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