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Antigone herself represents the highest ideals of human life -- courage and respect for the gods. In the mythical story "Antigone", Antigone first demonstrates feminist logic when she chooses to challenge a powerful male establishment. This establishment is personified by her uncle Creon, who is newly crowned as the King of Thebes, and it is usually challenged by whole city-state. She believed that the law of the gods (to give proper burial rights to every dead body) was more important than the law of the King. Creon became angry that a woman questioned his sovereignty and commanded her to death even though she was the daughter of Jocasta, his sister.The bold, tradition-braking character of Antigone clearly clashed with the overpowered, male dominant personality of Creon. This collision of character gave rise to the conflict between the sexes in Sophocles' "Antigone." The denial of burial to Polynices strikes directly at her family loyalty. This enormous sense of loyalty leads to her simultaneous violation and abidement to the duty of women at the time. It is precisely this loyalty that makes her an active rather than a static figure. Throughout the play, Antigone amazingly retains the traditional role of women, while at the same time boldly challenges this depiction. The challenge occurs as both a defiance of Creon's laws in Antigone's burying Polynices and as a direct verbal assault on Creon himself. Creon made many convictions insulting womenkind. His convictions seemed true a large population of men. He uses her to set an example for the entire city of Thebes, for Antigone is the first person to ever deliberately disobey Creon's order not the bury her late brother, who has been declared a traitor of the city. "Imagine it: I caught her naked rebellion, the traitor, the only one in the whole city. I'm not about to prove myself a liar, not to my people, no, I'm going to kill her!"( ). Creon believes that if he does not follow ...

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