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AngloSaxon Literature

As we take a look back at the origins of literature throughout the Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066), we see that many of their narratives, stories were simply passed down orally due to the lack of education prior to the era of Christianity. During the Anglo- Saxon Era literature initially began to be written down by the monks of the Christian Monasteries. The Anglo-Saxons contributed many details to human nature. The Anglo-Saxons named our modern day weekdays after Greek Gods. Heroism within an epic poem was often present during this period. Epic poetry was categorized as either elegiac or heroic. Elegiac poetry consists of a feeling of mourning or sorrow due to the loss or lack of something. Heroic poetry contains several aspects of morality and life threatening situations where the hero, of course, eliminates the threat of danger therefore suggesting his heroism. One of the most popular epic poems of this time period is Beowulf. Throughout the epic, Beowulf, certain ideals of conduct were stressed; Allegiance to lord and king, Love of glory as the ruling motive of every noble life, and the overall belief in the inevitability of fate were among those discussed.Allegiance, or loyalty, if you will, to lord and king is often mentioned in Beowulf. Due to the loyalty shown to Hrothgar, in Beowulf, by the warriors during their successful victory in war, he built Herot, the mead-hall for their convenience. Later on in the epic, Wiglaf, Beowulfs warrior returned to Beowulf in spite of the rest of his warrior bands decision to turn their back on him during his time of need as the fire dragon gained the upper hand, displays Beowulfs confrontation with the fire dragon, loyalty toward Beowulf. By not following the crowd and remaining with Beowulf, the ultimate loyalty of Wiglaf was tested and he proved to Beowulf his loyalty and allegiance. The absolute origins of feudalism, which didnt become into existence until the Medieval Period, beg...

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