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The view that most people have of women prevents women from having the equal rights they fought for to be made into law. There are many laws being broken every day. Most people unconsciously think why make an exception to this one. The competitive world can seem sexist and immoral to most, but the ones that are higher up on the ladder in any sense are the ones that shape how we achieve what we want and how we think. Otherwise we might not survive. We are taught that every job is important, yet society has set status on every job and tells us we are looked down upon if we have a low-status job. The janitor for example does our dirty work, gets paid way too little for what he or she has to do, and is looked at as having a dead-end job. Yet, if people did not pursue this line of work, how would everyone else get their so-called more important jobs done? Women have a disadvantage at competing for even a janitorial job over a man in our androcentric society. A man has more strength to get the job done. On a television show awhile back two CEOs were interviewed. They were two of the five women CEOs in America. Why are there only five women? These women explained that most higher up jobs are acquired by knowing the right people. Men have mastered networking; women have not been able to. Why have men been able to and women not been able to? Well, to get started in the networking world you usually have a mentor. Who do women get to mentor them? Of course there are only men to do this task. Then the tongue wagging commences. If a woman accomplishes climbing up the ladder, it is not because of her own strength. Who did she have to sleep with to get to the top? Is it the mans or the womans reputation that is ruined? Eves story is at the heart of the concept of Women in Western civilization. Indeed.There is this Glass Ceiling that prevents women from even trying to make their way to the top. The myths of womens qualities li...

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