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And The Winner Is

Hes at the 40, the 30, the 20, the 10, the 5, TOUCHDOWN!! Can you imagine the joy of having 100,000 people chanting your name and cheering as loud as they could just for you? Now try imagine having all of that, then having it taken away because you tested positive for illegal drugs. This is the harsh reality for several professional athletes. They get a small taste of greatness but instead of working harder they take a drug and immediately notice improvement. So they take some more until they become completely dependent on the drug for success.Unfortunately hiding drug use is big business for most professional athletes. As illustrated in the movie, The Program ,this is even a problem at the college level. As athletes they have a constant drive to be the best and to win and when that is not possible physically thats when athletes turn to drugs. It gives them that extra edge they feel they couldnt get from working harder. This is partly societies fault in that no one cheers a loser, its just our nature to try and cheer for the best. People have enough trouble remembering who won the race let alone who lost. The majority of people feel its just too much to be bothered by and just too much to remember. (Long)DopingThe use of drugs in an attempt to enhance sporting performance is often referred to as doping. It is thought that the word 'dope' originated from the South African language. Dope referred to a primitive alcoholic drink that was used as a stimulant in ceremonial dances. Gradually the term adopted a wider usage and in reference to sport, it became known as 'doping'. In today's sporting context, doping refers to the use by athletes of banned substances or methods that may enhance performance. (Kremitzki) Early SportsWhile the term doping first appeared in an English dictionary in 1879,the use of drugs is evident throughout the history of sport. By 800B.C. the Greeks had incorporated sport into their lifestyle...

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