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Analysis of Wuthering Heights

In the novel Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte, shows how different aspects of themes are presented for a readers consideration. Some of the important themes in Wuthering Heights are, revenge, spiritual feelings between main characters, obsession, selfishness, and responsibility.Bronte mainly focuses on the spiritual feelings of her characters. The difference between the feeling that Catherine has for Heathcliff and the one she feels for Edgar is that Heathcliff is part of her nature, he is like her soul mate. While on the other hand Edgar is only part of her superficial love, and because she is attracted to Edgar and his love for her. It is the spiritual love rather than a physical love that brings Heathcliff and Catherine together.Revenge is the most dominant theme in the book, although at the end Heathcliff abandons his plan for revenge. For Heathcliff revenge started when Hindley used to abuse him when they were younger. He started to hate him and wanted to seek revenge. After he came back from his journey he made Hindleys life a living hell. Heathcliff got all of the property from gambling with Hindley. Heathcliff also wanted revenge on Edgar who married the woman Heathcliff loved. In the last chapter Heathcliff first believes that if he can avenge the death of Catherine that he will somehow grow closer to her. Though the exact opposite happens. When Heathcliff gives up his plan for revenge, he is then reunited with Catherine in external bliss.Obsession played a big role on Heathcliffs love for Catherine. After Catherine came back from the Lintons and Edgar used to pay her visits, Heathcliff would mark off the days that he came over to spend time with Catherine and the days that he did not come over, which would be the days she would spend time with Heathcliff. Also when Catherine moved to Thrushcross Grange, after she married Edgar Linton, Heathcliff would stand outside her window to watch her. Heathcliff was obsessed with the lov...

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