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Once it was the New World and nowadays it has become to a world power. America is both a continent and a country. America the country is offically called United States of America, it includes 13 states and its population is various because it is a nation of immigrants. Compared to the worlds standards it is relatively young just more than 200 years old. But it is the worlds greatest economic power. (cf. the continent consists of North- and South America. They are connected by the Central American landing stage. In all America has an area of 42 million km. It was named after Amerigo Vespucci an Italian merchant and explorer. Because of the cultural and linguistical aspect America can also be devided in the English-language America, Portuguese-language or Spanish-language America. (cf. Bertelsmann Lexikon) Actually it was discovered by the Vikings but their knowledge was lost. And just through Christophus Columbus who tought he had landed in India it was taken note of in 1492. The native population were so called Indians mistakenly.Lured by material gains like gold, silver or vauable stones more explorations were undertaken by adventurers across the Atlantic Ocean in the name of their kings or churches. 1.2 Settlements and coloniesAfter Spains successful conversion and gain of materialisitic things through the native population Spainish began to found their first settlements. Of course England and France did not want to sit back and watch how the whole New World were coming more and more under Spanish influence. And so the first English colony was planted on American soil in order to prevent the expansion of Spanish dominance. One of the first famous English settlement is probably the one that was founded by the Puritans. Jrgen P. Keller describes it as ceratinly the most incisive event in the early history of the New World(p.51).The Puritans were a religious minority that had to suffer much under King Charle...

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