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Alzheimers Disease1

Alzheimers Disease, The Disease of the Century Alzheimers disease is the disease of the century. This disease is affecting many lives, families, and caregivers. This research presented is to help educate on the topic of Alzheimers disease, which many people arent aware enough about. Statistics are given to show how extreme this disease is, and how many people its affecting in society. Also statistics are presented that give the amount of money being spent relating to Alzheimers disease. This research explains the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease. Also giving advice and strategies to help caregivers manage and support their loved one if they are struck with this disease. Not much is known for sure on what causes this disease, so everyone should be aware of what it is and what the signs are, because it can affect anyone, maybe even someone very close to you one day. Its better to be aware, to be able to help, than to be unaware and put someone down for having difficulties in old age.The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time (Soukup, 1996).-NietzscheAlzheimers disease is not a new disease, nor one confirmed to this century. In fact, the earliest documented mention of a condition that now looks like Alzheimers disease was in 500 B.C. when Solon, the famous Greek lawyer and philosopher, wrote that impaired judgement from old age could cause a will to be invalid (Gray-Davidson, 1996). It is only our awareness, which is new. One of the possible reasons why we hear so much about Alzheimers disease is because of the huge increase in the number of people living longer. While the actual span of human life has not really extended, the percentage of people living to its extent has megajumped. Alzheimers disease is perhaps the best-known, most-feared disease of this century. Essentially, Alzheimers causes the computer of the brain to go down, and the whole o...

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