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Alexander the Great1

Alexander the Great or Alexandros III Philippou Makedonan was born in July 356BC in Pella, Macedonia (Popovic intro). He conquered what was in his time, most of the civilized world. Alexander accomplished greater deeds than any, not only of the kings before him but also of those later to come later down to our time (popovic intro). He was one of the greatest military geniuses in the history of the world.Both of Alexanders parents always dreamed of him someday being a great leader. Alexanders mother was named Olympias, she was princess of Epirus, a small provincial kingdom. She was the high priestess of a religious cult. She believed that she was descended from Achilles (Wepman 17). She was a jealous woman and very protective of her son (Popovic intro). Alexanders father, Phillip II of Macedonia was also a great leader and military strategist. When Alexander was young Greece looked down on the Macedonians as barbarians. In twenty years Phillip made Macedonia more powerful than any province in Greece. He bribed his enemies so that he would only have to deal with them one at a time (Townson 2). Alexander was very anxious to begin his career as ruler the empire his father had created. Once he said,My father will get to far ahead and leave nothing for me to do.(Popovic origins). When Alexander was twelve he tamed a horse named Bucephalus, that no one else was able to ride. Phillip was very proud of his son for this accomplishment, he thought that this showed how strong and brave he was. Once Phillip said to his sonseek out a kingdom worthy of thyself, for the kingdom of Macedonia is to little for thee (Popovic parents) prince).Even at a young age he showed promise as a great ruler.Growing up, Alexander was trained in the art of war. He learned sword fighting, javelin throwing, horseback riding, and archery (Townson 3). He was well known for his ablility to tame horses. Alexander had the best education possible in his t...

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