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Adolf Hitler3

When most people think of Adolf Hitler, they think of a cruel person who killed The majority of people do not think of Hitler as the type of guy whowould write plays and librettos for operas. Let alone do they think of him as the type ofperson who loved to read Westerns and play cowboys and Indians as a kid. Was AdolfHitler a bad leader? Was there a side of Adolf Hitler that the world did not see? Hitlerslife impacted the world in many ways, in his rise to power, the way he controlled others,and in his death. First, Hitlers rise to power was extravagant in the way that people did not evenrecognize the spell that Adolf Hitler was putting them under. To help Hitler out with hisrise, the stock market in the United States crashed. This affected Germany greatly since itwas dependent on foreign trade. The Great Depression began and they were cast intopoverty and deep misery and began looking for a solution, any solution. Adolf Hitlerknew his opportunity had arrived (The History Place Online, The Great DepressionBegins 1). The majority of people affected by the Great Depression was the Middle Class ofGermany. The standard living of the middle class was ruined over night. German peoplewere tired of politics in Germany. They were looking for a solution to get out of poverty. Hitler introduced new ideas to the public that they had never heard before. He had greatspeaking abilities and would tell the people exactly what they wanted to hear. Hitlerspoke to scores of mass audiences, call for German people to resist the yoke of Jews andCommunists, and to create a new empire which would rule the world for 1,000 years(Gary M. Grobman, online, 5). Hitler also promised to help the Jews withfinances, and security to the workers of Germany. His popularity was now growing at anincredible pace. What the people of Germany did not recognize was that Hitler wasputting up a front so that more people would like him and therefore ...

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