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There are many different types of accounting. I havent made the choice of whichparticular part of the profession I am going to go into. I am going to focus on financialaccountant. The decision to become an accountant is usually not made until college. However general accounting and bookkeeping classes can be taken in high school. Incollege, the student needs to decide on a more specific field of accounting. An accountanthas many choices regarding what particular field of accounting to specialize in, dependingon the financial information he or she wants to analyze and how it is done. Financialaccountants, tax accountants and internal auditors are all accountants in general butrequire different training and work methods. A financial accountant records economicdata and periodically prepares reports that show profit and other financial information ofa company using the generally accepted accounting principles. The reports prepared bythe accountant are useful for managers, and also for owners, creditors and the public.Based on information in the reports, the public can use the reports to choose a company toinvest in. Because a financial accountant is employed by an individual company, he orshe is considered a private accountant.Accountants have career choices to make based on more specialized interests in afield, and, as with other careers, a different specialization will have different educationalrequirements. Different classes will need to be taken in order to gain enough knowledgein the general field plus several other classes on a similar topic when the accountantdecides what to specialize in. Accounting may not seem like a popular profession, or avery interesting one, but once one looks deep into the separate activities and training ofeach specialization, on can see that accounting may appeal to many different types ofpeople for many different reasons.A unexpected fact I found about accounting is that 90 percent of all CEO's have a...

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