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Abortion Should Be Illegal

Abortion is murder and should be illegal. In this paper I will prove to you that, not only abortion is murder, but also that it is cruel and unjust. Abortion goes against the belief that all people were created equal, and able to pursue life, liberty and happiness that our country was founded under.Some people may say that the unborn, commonly called fetuses, are not alive, but that is not true. Embryo and Fetus are two stages of development while still in the womb, just like toddler and adolescent are names for humans already born. A child is a unique human being and receives a genetic code all of its own upon the time of conception. (Ultimate Pro-Life resource list) Numerous scientific reference works, medical textbooks, and some of the worlds most prominent scientists and physicians say that life begins upon the time of conception. When Abortionists prematurely take a child from its mothers womb in the primitive manner that they do, they are essentially murdering it. (Pro-Life Action League)The definition of cruelty is an act that causes pain or suffering, and that is just what abortion is, cruel. (Dictionary) The constitution states that cruel and unusual punishments shall not be inflicted. (United States Constitution) Many studies show that by merely eight weeks, the child can start to have feeling of pain. Different types of abortion include seizing body parts and ripping them off of the child and crushing the skull or snapping the spine in or to remove the child. There are also some procedure steps where the aborted children are left to die by neglect or a physical act after being removed. (Pro-Life Action League)The Declaration of Independence states that all people were created equal and have the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. (Declaration of Independence) Abortion takes away this right because when the child is aborted its god given right to life is ripped out from underneath it. Just because ...

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