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Termination of the Abortion Question One social issue that plagues today's society is the issue of abortion. The wholeargument is being fueled by two opposing groups. The pro-life group which believes thatno pregnancy should be terminated no matter what the circumstances behind it, and theopposition to pro-life, pro-choice, which believes that the mother, and only the mother,should have the final decision on whether or not she is to continue with the pregnancy orterminate it.Many clashes have risen between these two groups in recent years with protests,demonstrations, and bombings at abortion clinics. The whole abortion problem couldhave been solved many years ago if even one of these pro-life or pro-choice fanatics hadbothered to pick up and read a copy of Jonathan Swift's essay, "A Modest Proposal," inwhich he describes a way to ease the population burden on Irland by selling poor childrento the rich for food. Swift was referring to children that were already alive and that hadbeen living for a few years, but his same principals can be easily applied to the abortionissue. The women who come into the clinics could be paid an extra fee to carry theirbabies through the entire nine months. Then after the babies are delivered the abortionagency would buy the babies and inspect them for any impurities, such as birth defects ordiseases passed on from the mother at birth. The abortion clinic, then in turn, would sellthe babies to the post maternal factory where they would be fed nothing more than purefat with a little salt, pepper, and other assorted seasonings and spices for flavor.For mothers who would not be able to make it through the pregnancy on thereown, a facility would be provided for them to live for the duration of the pregnancy. Here, in this facility, the mothers to be would be given the best of care, and since theabortion agency would be able to regulate everything that the mother and in turn the childis fed, they would...

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