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A Mouse Called Wolf

A Mouse Called Wolf is about a mouse that is the runt of the littler and his mom names him Wolfgang Amadeus Mouse. He lives in a mouse hole next to a grand piano in the living room of a house. He has seven brothers and sisters all day while the lady of the house is gone they all play on the keys of the piano a race up and down the piano legs. One by one Wolfs brothers and sisters go off and start their own homes in other parts of the house. Every morning the lady of the house plays the piano and Wolf sits by the hole and listens. One evening after the lady has gone to sleep Wolf goes on top of the note middle C and opens his mouth and the most beautiful voice in the world comes out. This wakes the lady up and she goes out to see what is happening, but when she arrives she does not see anyone. The next night she hears it again and goes out to see what happened. To her surprise she sees Wolf. The next day she plays in the morning but leaves a chocoholic by the muse hole. Every day she moves the chocoholic close to the middle C. One day something clicks in Wolf head and he realizes that she wants him to sing for the chocoholics. Something also clicks in her head too. So she starts to play a melody and she hears the most beautiful voice in the world. She starts teaching him new melodies and he makes up the words. One day the lady falls breaks her leg and she goes to the hospital. While she was gone Wolf composes his own song. When she is back she put two chocoholics on the bench and goes to bed. Later that night Wolf goes up to her room and sings his own song and she realizes the true potential of Wolf....

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