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A Modest Proposal

Since the beginning of the 19th century, America has had to deal with the on going Were surrounded by them everyday, whether we realize it, or not.The evening news is filled with stories of crack heads killing each other as well innocent standers- by in a fiendish attempt to find drugs or money to buy drugs.Perhaps you may recall reading the morning paper only to find that another teen hasbeen found dead in an attempt to sale drugs as a way to quick and easy money. Surelyevery true American as heard a story or two or four about major drug cartels payingoff police chiefs, judges, and even some members our beloved American government. I think it is agreed by all Americans that this terrible substance must becontrolled, and by who else than the great government of the United States of America.Certainly, all those masterminds can find some kind of a way to deal with this everincreasing problem; after all, we are talking about the same government that allowsmurders, who are defined as menaces to society to sit in penitentiaries for yearswhile they use societys tax dollars to take care of these individuals. The solution to this drug problem can be solved quite easily by looking inretrospect at the history of this grand nation. Every rule, every law, and the veryessence of this country has came about through our humane ability to compromise.When the first Americans did not feel like tending to their land, the governmentcompromised with Africans and slavery was born into the United States. In anotherinstance, when white women became a bore to white men a compromise was madebetween white men and black women, and a mulatto was born that was neitherexcepted by his white father, nor his black mother. Can one not see that yet anothergreat compromise is at order? It is time yet again for the government to make a compromise that appeases the minority and glorifies the majority. Why not make theuse of drugs legal in America? Surely all America...

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