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A Modern version of The Cave

Bobby Jones was born in the outskirts of Jackson, Mississippi in 1948. He was the third son of a white couple. His family was well known in their town and his father was actually the sheriff there. The ancestry of his family could be brought back all the way to the beginning of the 19th century. His great-grandfather, in the years of the Civil War, owned a cotton plantation. Soon after the war ended he went bankrupt and sold most of his property. The main reason was because of the freedom given to the slaves at that time. The family blamed the slaves for the bankruptcy and all the problems that came with that. This began the hatred of all black people everywhere. This hatred went on from generation to generation, eventually reaching Bobby. Sheriff Jones was a loving husband and a great father. Everyone in the town loved him. He worked hard for his children to have everything they wanted and to have a good education. He not only was a good father financially but he also made it a point to spend time with his children and teach them everything he knew. Unfortunately he also instilled in them the hatred that his father instilled in him as well. He taught them that all black people are evil, untrustworthy, malicious, dangerous, and they would be of no use to them in the future. Bobby and all his brothers accepted this from their father believing that all he taught them was for their good. The town Bobby lived in was all white. It would have been very rare to see a person of color anywhere near this area of Mississippi. Bobby and his brothers could have counted on one hand the number of times they saw a person of color. In 1966 Bobby graduated from General Lee High School. He graduated top of his class and was being approached by all the highly esteemed universities in the country. His parents were very proud of their son and knew that even though they would miss him, the best education he could receive would be North. ...

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