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A Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte

A Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte TarbellIn the biography A life of Napoleon Bonaparte, written by Ida Tarbell, explains the life that the great French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, led. He goes into extreme detail and counts for pretty much everything thing that Bonaparte accomplished in his life. Starting off when he was a young boy going to Military school and ending up when he passed away in Helena Island on May 5, 1821. Tarbell writes this biography in such a manner that no matter what Napoleon did throughout his years he did it for the right reason. Tarbells scope on the book was that napoleon was a great military leader and he wants to show the rest of the world why. He accounts for everything napoleon single handily did and what he did with his country, France. A Life of Napoleon Bonaparte is a great biography because the way it was written. Tarbell has so much information on Bonaparte is might seem as though he lived everyday at Bonapartes side. Tarbell especially goes into extreme detail when Napoleon had to surrender to England. In 1803 a war broke out between France and England. The English had many allies including Russia, Austria, and Sweden. Napoleon had pretty much no struggle beating Austria and Russia. He won the battle at Austerlitz, which sent both the Austrians and Russians back home. After maneuvering for a few days I fought a decisive battle yesterday. I defeated the combined armies commanded by the emperors of Russia and Germany. Their force consisted of eighty thousand Russians and thirty thousand Austrians. I have made forty thousand prisoners, taken forty flags, one hundred guns, and all the standards of the Russians Imperial Guard (Pp. 169). Tarbell included this quote to show people how confident Napoleon was. He said that statement with a lot of confidence knowing that he was the best military strategist at that time. But when he finally decided to invade the British army it was already to la...

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