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why jesus was a liberal

I have often wondered why Christian’s vote so largely republican. They overall are conservative and very afraid of change. I see nothing conservative about Christ. He was a revolutionary and in my opinion, a liberal. He life completely changed religion and added a New Testament to the traditional laws. He did not come to say “just follow the laws and traditions and you will be fine. Don’t change anything.” He rewrote the laws and showed that although we should follow them, traditions can sometimes be bad because we don’t follow them for the right reasons. When a person is doing something just because people have always done it that way, then that person’s heart probably isn’t in the right place. In Matthew, chapter five Jesus tells the people “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law, for I have come to fulfill it.” Why would people think that he had come to abolish the law? Because he was doing things a new way and they didn’t understand it. They were so caught up in what they thought they knew was the “truth” and the way to do things that they forgot the reasons why you should do these things. They weren’t doing them because their heart told them that they were the right things to do, but instead because the church and the teachers of the law told them what was right. He went on to say about specific laws, “You people have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgement’, but I tell you that anyone is angry with his brother will be subject to judgement…You have heard that it was said ‘do not commit adultery’ but I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery in his heart.” (Matthew 5:21-28)In this passage I think he was reminding the people why they follow the laws. Following the laws doesn&...

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