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When I first saw the word Voodoo, the first thing I thought of was Voodoo dolls, zombies, and evil magic. I think Voodoo is an evil religion, which sacrifices humans as well as animals to demonic gods. I think it has been around for thousands of years, but is little left today. I believe that Voodoo is nothing but evil and the work of the devil. Voodoo originated in Western Africa by the Yoruba tribe. The Yoruba religion has about four hundred lesser gods called Orisa. This is not the actual Voodoo religion, as we know it today, but plays an important role in it. Voodoo believes that the Grand Master or God rules over all things, but pays no attention to human affairs. This is why they believe in lower spirits or Loa, who they worship and make sacrifices to. When the slave trade started, people of the Yoruba tribe were captured and brought over as slaves. When the slaves arrived, they were baptized into the Catholic religion. The slaves continued to practice their native religion in secret, which over time was mixed with Catholicism to create the Voodoo that we know today. Over sixty million people still continue to practice Voodoo worldwide. The main center of Voodoo in the United States is New Orleans. About fifteen percent of New Orleans practice. The Voodoo religion contacts the spirit, which works quite frequently. They believe that spirits help people in all that they do. The Voodoo religion believes that true communion comes only through possession of the body by a Loa or spirit. Possession is very common during rituals for it is how the Loa gives instructions to help the people. They believe they get possessed for certain reasons. Such things as protection, cures from illness, or even to give warning to an individual or to the whole community of worshipers. When a person gets possessed, they show struggle moving and jumping around like crazy people. Then all of a sudden they go blank and motionless. They then come out of...

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