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the true meaning

“Religion” is the service and worship of God or the supernatural: a commitment or devotion to religion faith or observance defines the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. According to the Encarta World Dictionary, religion is people’s beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or deities and divine involvement in the universe and human life. The definitions of the word “religion” vary from dictionary to dictionary, country to country and from person to person. In my opinion, the meaning of the word religion is so interchanging that one single definition is not the exact or even accurate meaning for everyone. Everyone has his or her own individual interpretation of the word religion. For instance: strict Catholic Christian’s individual beliefs differ in spite of the Catholic Doctrine. One example of this is that in the Catholic Doctrine it states that birth control is immoral, still many Catholics choose to use it and don’t think it is wrong. Religion is not a static thing either, it may change with time, and even the doctrine can change. This is why it is so difficult to give this one word a single meaning like Webster-Merriam or the Encarta Dictionary has done. For instance a Christian living in the United States might describe religion as believing n God which is described in each of the definitions listed above. Then take a Native American and some of their beliefs include the worship of nature, giving supernatural powers to certain animals. Or say you ask someone in the country of Afghanistan and you might hear the religion is an everyday, all day way of life that effects everything they do. Religion is a huge part of their culture and ties into the Holy war the U.S. is currently involved with. The U.S. is fighting with Afghanistan over political reasons, which has little to nothing to do with religion. Since it states in the United States Constitu...

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