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What religion am I? In my life, I have been told many things about my religion. My mother is a Roman Catholic, while my father is Jewish. I have learned about both religions, and I have tried to practice both as best I could, but I am now faced with the decision; which one am I? Christians believe that Jesus is both God and man, incarnation of God, and man -gives man two natures, physical and divined that they are united in one person. Thus the mystery of God becoming a human being, Jesus, and suffered and died, and Mary (Jesus’ mother) was the mother of God. God resolved himself to mankind in 3 ways, as God the father, God the sun and the Holy Spirit. From this we can see that Christianity is based on the mystery of the doctrine of the trinity, which cannot be proven and requires Christians to have faith that this root of Christianity is in fact true. The promise of life after death (salvation) is very important, without it they find life meaningless. Ritual Christianity is a ritual filled religion, especially Roman Catholicism. There is a ritual for all stages of life from birth to death. In following a structured one needs constant reinforcement of one’s basic faith, what better way than to have a ritual based belief system which starts at birth with the celebration of Baptism, which is the entry to Christianity and the first step in developing ones faith. Then as one gets older; he/she is Confirmed which is a deepening of commitment to faith and allows one to receive Holy Communion, which is the final step to becoming a committed Catholic. From this point on one normally goes to Church weekly and breaks bread and shares wine with the Christian community to which one belongs. So ones life becomes ordered in the structure of the sharing of bread and wine, which is the Body and Blood of Jesus; i.e. God. His or her life is structured from birth to death, through, the sacraments weekly worship, daily prayer and t...

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