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Wilson uses the word “consilience” in regards to various academic disciplines by stating that thinking clear thoughts about specific fields can only be done through the use of the coherence (consilience) between them. Wilson describes the importance of integrating what we know from natural science with our knowledge of social science and the humanities in order to tackle many of society’s daily concerns. (ie poverty, overpopulation, abortion.) An example of a “consilience” explanation to a given phenomenon is claustrophobia.- Sociological – Claustrophobia can be intensified, if not caused by experiencing first hand a bomb exploding inside a building and then begin trapped inside for a certain period of time.- Psychological – People like to know they can always go outside if and when they please. This makes people feel free and uninhibited. An explosion inside a building creating entrapment causes the mind to panic. People’s psychological makeup enables them to stay calm for only a short period of time.- Biological – Biologically speaking, the body’s composition of nerves will cause a person’s blood pressure to rise as well as more blood pumping to the heart causing it to beat faster.- Physics – Because no one can predict how much time on has before a building would crumble had it been bombed, the law of physics would discuss the description and prediction of the heat and the atoms in order to say when and if the building would fall to the ground..: 6 :.The MEME theory can be compared to an idea behavior that causes people to use the same pattern. Some examples are catch phrases, slogans, chain letters or fashions. Memes are a contagious information pattern that replicates by making the human mind alter it’s behavior so it uses the same simple pattern. Memes are different than genes because we are genetically predisposed to adopt our parents genetic make up. ...

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