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There are many meanings to the word intercession: 1. to have a conversation onbehalf of, 2. to plead with or for another, 3. to make a petition on behalf of another, and approach a King to plead the cause of others.1 God has used a countless number of people as intercessors over several years. There are many recorded in the Bible and many modern intercessors have had bookswritten about them. For example, Esther was a great intercessor in the Bible because sherisked her own life by going into King Ahasuerus courts to plead for her people to not besentenced to death according to the decree in which Haman made. She would have beenkilled if she had not first prepared herself and had not found favor in the sight of KingAhasuerus. 2One of the great intercessor of modern times that has been written about is ReesHowells. He gave his whole life to intercession. He went through every aspect ofintercession and was very willing to lay his life down for people he did not even knowbecause he had Jesus’ love so overflowing within him for everyone he met. He once cameto the point of dying because he took on the intercession for a tubercular women. Hecame to the point of having the disease himself and coming to the point of death to seethat the woman no longer had it.3The greatest intercessor of all though was and is Jesus. He came to the earth inthe form of a man to experience all man have to experience. While He was on the earth hewould pray for man, healed man, and even bless man when He was cursed by man. Whenall was to come to the end, He then died to take all of mankind’s sin, and then showedman by His resurrection that he can have dominion over sin. Most importantly though, byall of this He stood in the gap and made a way for man to once again have a relationship 12with God which intern would entitle man to have eternal life. He showed that in order tobe an intercessor, willingness to lay everything down must fi...

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