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Scripture and Theology Daily Assessment (250 Words) Form P1: Analysis of a Primary Text Name Merapelo GaborekwePass/Fail You have a clear thesis, with a point to be argued.2. You have a thesis, but it simply announces what you will cover.Content3. You identify the author’s main theological concern and have good grasp of the biblical texts and interpretive issues involved.2. The content is accurate, but mostly a summary of the reading.Argument3. You offer critical evaluation of the text and present good evidence defending your assessment of the author’s work.2. Ideas are supported with evidence and/or logical reasoning.Style1. No more than two errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, or syntax.Text (250 words)The epistle to the Hebrews puts great emphasis on Jesus Christ’s superiority and lordship as the Son of God over the angels, the patriarchs and prophets.Jesus is also exalted to the status of being the sole High Priest of the new covenant just because his death will bring a brand new (yet final) and perfect atonement for the sins of the people since he was without sin, unlike all the previous high priests.The epistle sounds like a letter of encouragement to believers so that they can holdfast to their faith. The writer quotes extensively from the Old Testament, especially from the prophets. The epistle bears much resemblance to most of the New Testament, which is essentially dedicated to reinterpreting scriptures for the new church. Some of the dangers that the New Testament writers face are, to quote other biblical passages out of context in order to make certain points. Also, every promise ever made to the Israelites is considered as having been fulfilled in Jesus. Furthermore, writers such as that of the epistle to the Hebrews wanted to conceive believers that Jesus was the culmination of all prophecies....

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