The story of the flood in bothe the Epic of Gilgamesh and in Gensis follows a common outline of narratives, however, each of these similarities are addressed and cxarried out in THe way in which a particular similarity is handled serves to reflect on thenature of the divinity in these stories..IN each story the flood isbrought on as a result of the divinities dissatisfactionwith mankinds behavior. In Geneis, God is concerned with mans lawlessness. Allmortals led depraved lives on earth, (Gen. 6.12) IN contrast to Gods offense of mortalllife in the Bible, the gods in The Epic of Gilgamesh, simply become irritated with man.The uproar of mankind is intoleravble and slep is no longer possible by reason of thebabel. So the Gods agreed to exterminate mankind. (The Epic of Gilgamesh. pg 108) INthis case, man seems to cause a disruption in the lives of the gods, and therefor theirforthcoming extermination is based upon a disruption of comfort. In Genesis, Godsdistate with mortality comes from its corruption. This difference begins to characterixe thedual groups of diviites and how they relate with the world they govern. IN Genesis, thenotion that God appears mor disciplined and paternal in his relation to his subjects isformed. fgFor his decision to bring on the flood s deciced ater surveying manslawlessness and depracity. In the Epic of gilgaamesh, the great god, Enil, was arouse bythe clamour. This suggests that the gods weresuddenly distrated by their subjects andleaves room to infer that their montering of man was not as constant nor as detailed asthat of the God in Genesis. Thesecpntrasts are further portrayed when oberving thediffering manner with which the preparation for the flood takes place in the separatestories.IN each story a mortal is approached and told to construct a boat or ark in whichto insure some life precails through the flood. However, in Genesis it is stressed that Godselects...