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faith and knowledge

There are things in this world that go beyond human reasoning. There are things is this world that people don’t want to acknowledge. For example, scientists don’t want to acknowledge that faith and God exist. They claim that they need to have scientific proof in order to believe that either faith or God exists in this world. Today’s societies are full of skeptics and ignorance when it comes to faith and God. People have known that god and faith are present on this earth. Faith is believing and trusting in God. It is having confidence and knowledge that God is on your side. Faith is something we can’t touch, smell, taste, hear, or see. Individuals have to believe in there hearts that God exist because the bible tells us so. People shouldn’t need scientific evidence to believe that faith exist because our source of knowledge of faith and God is the bible. Faith is gained through the knowledge of the word of God. Knowledge is gained through reading and believing what the word of God says about faith. In order to have faith we have to have knowledge. Knowledge is understanding through experience. We gain knowledge through older and wiser people, going to college, and listening to others that know more that ourselves. For example when Jesus was a child to twelve he and his parents went to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. Jesus stayed behind, without his parent’s knowledge, at the temple courts listening and asking questions of the teachers. They were amazed by the questions and answers that Jesus gave. From that moment on he grew wiser and popular among men. People can use Jesus as a role model when is comes to gaining knowledge from older and wiser men. Through the word of God we gain knowledge of faith. Although knowledge and faith are two different things they go hand and hand because faith seeks knowledge. Knowledge is one of the tools of faith. Through faith and knowl...

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