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does GOD exist

A startling question that most people will answer yes to is: Does God exist? Websters Dictionary (Webster’s p. 412) defines God as the supreme being, seen as the omnipotentcreator and ruler of the universe. Whereas a theologist describes him as God is the infiniteand perfect spirit in whom all things have their source, support, and end. (Thiessen p. 55)Whatever the case the statistics from Multipoll CGI on the internet show that 86 percentbelieve that God exists. Probably half or more of that actually attend a church or seekafter God. Upon further investigation there are actually many reasons to believe in God. From the beginning man has always had intuition or a feeling of already knowingcertain things. “The law has been written on the hearts of all so that they may recognize agreater power that is God,” says Pastor Chan of Cornerstone Community Church. “Godhas given everyone the intuition of knowing his presence, and the feeling of right andwrong or moral law.” One author of Introductory Lectures in Systematic Theology says,“The belief in the existence of God is also necessary. It is necessary in the sense that wecannot deny his existence without doing violence to the very laws of our nature. If we dodeny it, the denial is forced and can only be temporary" (Thiessen pg. 56). Examining thisstatement one fact stands out. If there is no God how could laws of right and wrong bemade? If evolution did happen and human life began to form all around the world, howwould they know right from wrong? Or more importantly, why is there a right fromwrong? While people were still “evolving,” why did they not eat or kill each other? It wasnot wrong since there is no right or wrong. Did some humans get together in a room afterthey had evolved and vote on what should be right and what should be wrong? Of coursenot! That would be chaos because no one would agree, and the list would be very longeven if t...

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