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buddhism and hinduism in USA origins and examples

The Unites States is home to the most diverse spectrum of religions in the world. There are representations of nearly every religion in the world. There are three basic ways religions arrive in the US: import, export, and baggage. Buddhism and Hinduism are two Asian religions that have made it across the Pacific Ocean and now exist along side many others in America. ISKCON, a form of Hinduism, and Zen, a form of Buddhism, are two such groups.All Indian movements have always had a charismatic leader associated with them. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was no different. Born Abhay Charan De 1896-1977 was the founder and spiritual master of ISKCON, International Society of Krishna Consciousness. He was given this mission as a youth from his spiritual Visnuite leader upon his death. He was a successful businessman who had attended the University of Calcutta. Yet it was not until he was 70 years old and completely broke, that he came to the US. This was the perfect time, for it was the 1960s and it seemed everybody was looking into new forms of spirituality. His beliefs caught on in this time of mind expansionism. In every ISKCON temple there will be a picture of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on an altar-like set up. This shows how much respect ISKCON devotees have for their former leader.Every religion has a given set of guidelines or certain authorities that devotees must follow. ISKCON members have to basically give up their lives to their spiritual master. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada developed four rules that must always be followed: no eating meat, fish, or eggs; no elicit sex; no intoxicants; and no gambling. ISKCON seems to be more focused on the orthopraxy of their ways instead of basing themselves on ancient ways. Members have to proclaim Krishna as their supreme Lord in every form. Temples have altars and many statues or depictions of Krishna in which one can perform puja to Krishna. Mantras are also performed...

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