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From the depths of the deepest ocean I see an object falling from the waters smooth surface. Perhaps it is a haughty human that has come to repay the death of an auspicious friend that I feasted on. Or even better, maybe Beowulf has come complacently into the waters, which I have ruled for half a century. Yes, it is Beowulf. He has come begging for revenge for the death of the closest friend of his precious King Hrothgar. I will show him who has controlled this sea for the last 50 years, and who will continue to control it for eternity.I give Beowulf an extremely warm welcome. I clench him in my claws and squeeze him with all my might, yet I cannot penetrate the mail worn over his breast. I have always considered humans extremely weak for wearing this protective gear. They never can bear the excruciating pain that my species has learned to endure. I then decide to bring this helpless human home and put on an exhibition for my friends. Because there is no realistic chance that I will lose, I will surely gain respect among them. As I begin to beat Beowulf, he suddenly and swiftly swings his sword my way. It is a perfect shot to my head, but I feel absolutely no pain. He must be acerebral to think that his weapons can begin to amount to the sheer strength exhibited by myself. Because Beowulf is dazed at the fact that his weapons are unable to inflict pain upon his greatest enemy, I find it a very propitious time to make my next move. I fiercely tear and claw at him with all of my energy. He is taking mighty blows to the head, shoulder, chest, and anywhere else I find convenient to place my claws. Once and for all I show the inferiority of his armor by puncturing his helmet with my vicious bite.This tiny human has more courage than I imagined. He leaps back up and begins the attack. First, he drops his sword. I nearly laughed at the sight of this. Do you actually believe you can destroy me with only your human hands? ...

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