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anticatholic movement

Prejudice, as a word and not a particular viewpoint, comes from two Latin words: pre meaning "before", and judicium meaning "judgment". It would be a fair conclusion to say that anti-Catholicism is the action of making a judgment before knowing the facts, but in modern times, this has been taken to the extreme. The popularity of anti-Catholicism comes from the conclusion made by others without taking the initial steps to find out the facts personally. Anti-Catholic ministers and members determine the doctrines and actions of the Catholic Church mostly by the media, or by literature. Literature is the primary weapon in the anti-Catholic arsenal, since it is the work of very imaginative minds. The creative and imaginative work of anti-Catholics can be made known to the world by the publication of a simple tract, or a complex book. Despite what harm these tracts and books seem to bring, they are actually the Catholic Church's best source of defense. The Catholic Church, despite their massive distributions, isn't fighting the tracts or the books: she is fighting pride. The pride of anti-Catholics that the Roman Catholic Church is a pagan organization and that their arguments can't possibly be right just because they are the Roman Catholic Church, leads anti-Catholics to build up such a personal defense to any information outside of their favorite anti-Catholic book, radio show, church, or pastor. But the Church, in recent years, has made a tremendous breakthrough: we are seeing the truth come into the light, and the lies falling back into darkness. We now see the most hard-core of anti-Catholics lose the prejudices they once had when they, for themselves and not by the words of a book, discover the Church. Now, these former haters of the church become her most notable theologians and defenders. They begin to see the truth that was once hidden deep down in the catechism, but can be found as simple as a scripture verse. Propaganda has been ...

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