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When will the end come? It is human nature for humans to ask questions. Many of these questions are without answers and there is no possible way to come up with one. A common question that plagues the human race is When will the world end? For thousands of years, astrologers and psychics have been trying to come up with clues to when it all will end. There is a source, the Bible, which aids humans, specifically Christians, in trying to come up with some answers. Many places in the Bible such as Revelations, Ezekiel, Matthew, Daniel, and I Corinthians all give some clues to how and when the end of the world will come. Two articles that give some insight on this subject are Visions or Heaven, Dreams of the End by Barbara E. Bowe and Are We Living at the End Time? by Alfred McBride and O. Praem. These articles help to aid us with the answers to such questions as: How will the end time happen? Does the Bible tell more of a symbolic happening or are all of those horrible things going to happen? They also give details and hints that happen all over the Bible, such as the number seven. In the article Are We Living at the End Time, authors McBride and Praem look at the end time from a millenarians perspective and backs up their claims with the Bible. Instead of using the Churchs four end time happenings: death, judgement, heaven and hell, the millenarian uses its own four criteria: Rapture, tribulation, millennium, and the Second Coming. Looking at these questions in a theological way, by asking questions, the authors make these four criteria easier to understand (McBride & Pream, 58). The first question asked is When will we experience Rapture? The millenarian looks specifically at Pauls letters to the Thessalonians and to the Corinthians. In Pauls first letter to the Thessalonians, he uses imagery to describe to them what Rapture will be like when Christ returns. He tells the Thessalonians in 1Thessalonians 4:16-17, For the Lord himself wi...

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