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Woman in the Church

The idea of a God, a supreme being, the creator of all has been a belief for most since the evolution of the first intelligent being. From the Ice ages to the technology driven society we live in today the idea of this God has been shaped and molded as the ages have passed. In my own personal life I was raised as a catholic in the Roman denomination of the religion. As a child I was raised according to the statues of a devoted Roman Catholic. I was baptized, received my first penance, received First Holy Communion, and then was confirmed. These are all rites of passage a Roman Catholic has the right to engage in if they were to be considered a soldier of God. As I grew older I perceived an important idea in relation to the church that I had overlooked my whole life as a practicing Catholic. Why was there never a woman priest, and until recently a woman altar girl? The question I find myself pondering is why does Roman Catholicism seem to downplay the idea of a woman being fit to serve as a priest of the church?In the current society we live in, the idea of a woman being able to serve in a position of leadership has flourished more than ever before. The idea that a woman is not fit to serve in a position with high demands has taken a backseat to the ideas that were once conceived by most in this country and if not most of the world. What concerns me is that why is a woman would be able to be involved in the multimillion dollar dealings of a fortune 500 company, but not be involved in the most intimate and sacred dealings with God himself. As a priest in the Roman Catholic Church you are one of the only people who can perform one of the most important transformations involved in the religion itself. You are responsible for the consecration of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. As an intelligent and well-educated person I cannot fathom why a woman would not be able to perform this most holy and sacred process. Wh...

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