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Whether or not to convert to the religion of Islam

There are many cultures and traditions throughout the world, which have sprung up throughout history. Along with the different traditions of each culture, there are also the different religions. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism are just a few of these religions. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have somewhat the same beliefs in the way that they have evolved and in the customs as opposed to those of Buddhism and Hinduism. Well before going astray on that tangent on Buddhism and Hinduism that would ultimately lead away from the desired topic, let us get back to the topic at hand: the religion of Islam and whether or not to convert to it? In order to decide whether or not one would desire to convert to Islam, one must know where, how, why it came about and what reasons would cause them to want to convert. Enable to know these things, one must read and analyze the Qur’an to learn about the religion, its beliefs and its customs. Listening to sermons given by a person of the religion would not hurt either. The Qur’an is a book containing suras sent down to Muhammad and other messengers by God. In these suras are the messages of God given to his people. These messages were something that was non-existent to the people of Arabia in these ways; therefore, it was a new religion to them. However, before it could become an actual religion, people had to believe in it and follow it. Those who follow the beliefs of the Islamic religion are an Umma. To do this, Muhammad had to preach the messages of God to the people. Getting a group of people to convert to a new religion is not an easy task, it must be done with patience and understanding for their present beliefs or it may be taken in offense and cause serious repercussions to one’s self. Now, Muhammad was a determined messenger, however, since I have never really been involved with religion, not saying that I am atheist, exactly how I would ...

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