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What is faith

If asked, Do you have faith in Christ? how would you answer? Some of you would answer yes. Others might answer, Im not sure that I have any faith. Still others would respond by saying, Is it possible to know if one has faith in Christ? What is faith anyway?The question about faith in Christ is of the utmost importance because the Bible says that, Nor is their salvation in any other; for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved [Acts 4:12. The Living Bible]. God has appointed one man, the man Christ Jesus in who we must be saved. There is no other name or revelation that God has given mankind that will save us from the judgment to come or give life full meaning.Gabriel, the Angel of the Annunciation, told the Virgin Mary that the child to be conceived in her womb by the Holy Spirit was to be called Jesus, which means -- God is Help, or more succinctly, Captain of our Salvation. [Patriots and Prophets pg.251] Jesus is the beginning and the end of our salvation. He is, in himself, the guarantee that we shall be saved if we believe in Him. That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. [Romans 10:9. The Contemporary English Bible].What does it mean to have faith or believe? Thats a question that many have wrestled with.The word believe in todays language has changed and does not fully convey its full meaning of trust as it did a century or two ago. To believe actually means to commit oneself to, to trust, cling to, or rely on. [Rogets The New Thesaurus] Today, in this latter part of the 20th century, you may believe something to be true, but not necessarily act upon that belief. Two examples of this are as follows:We all know that if a person stands in the middle of a busy highway that he will be hit by oncoming traffic if he doesnt move. We all believe that to be a true statement of fact. However, the person ...

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