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What is Wicca

There have been numerous religions throughout time, many of which are still in existence today. One of the oldest and most highly debated religions is called Wicca, a nature-based religion that is said to date back to pre-historic times. There are many misconceptions throughout the world, especially in Christian religions, about Wicca and what it and its followers represent. This paper is my attempt to help myself and others better understand the reality of the Wiccan religion. I would like to start off by offering a bit of history on wicca, or “the craft”. Wicca is a pagan religion, which means that it doesn’t acknowledge the Christian concept of God. Generally, wiccans worship more than one god or goddess while also paying reverence to the earth and to nature herself as a source of life and all that we are. It is said that wicca evolved during the days of pre-historic man who developed a strong bond with his surroundings. Early man found a sense of “divine power” in the world around him, attuning himself to the rhythms and cycles of nature. In a time that preceded science and better understanding of the workings of the world, early man learned to predict weather patterns, distinguish between beneficial and dangerous herbs, and to use nature’s boundless gifts to their advantage. These early wiccans recognized an assortment of deities as protectors and benefactors of various aspects of daily life. Their primary deities were the Mother Goddess, who represented the fertility of the earth, and the Horned God, who died and was resurrected, symbolizing “the earth’s regenerative powers.” To honor these gods and goddesses, people held numerous festivals and celebrations. This concept was not an exclusive one to wiccans, although it is one that has continued to be an integral part of the wiccan religion. Wicca has evolved in numerous ways through the years. The modern form of the religio...

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