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Vision off Far East

There are many similarities and differences between the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. While researching this paper, I came across this quote from an unknown source that stated, “No civilization is monochrome. In China the classical tones of Confucianism have been balanced not only by the spiritual shades of Buddhism, but also by the romantic hues of Taoism”. As each religion is surmised the similarities and differences between them will be revealed.Buddhism is the religions of about 400 million people in the Orient. Buddhism accepts some Hindu ideas and rejects others. It retained the ideas of Karma and re-incarnation of souls. The Buddhist movement began during the sixth century B.C. with Siddhartha Gautama, as its founder. He is known as the Buddha. Buddhism has its emphasis on seeing Truth, on knowing it and on understanding it. The emphasis does not depend on blind faith. Buddhism allows each member to study and observe the Truth internally and it requires no blind faith before acceptance. Buddhism advocates no dogmas, no creeds, no rites, no ceremonies, no sacrifices, and no penances, all of which must usually be accepted on blind faith. Buddhism is not a system of faith and worship but it is a path to enlightenment. The Buddha referred to his teaching as a raft leaving the shore of suffering and impermanence needed to get to the other shore of bliss and safety or Nirvana. The raft is no longer needed upon reaching the shore of Nirvana. The Buddha’s enlightenment concerned the causes and cessation of suffering. The Buddha referred to his teaching as the Middle Path, because it avoids the extremes of both self-indulgence and of self-mortification. The path he taught incorporates both intellectual and spiritual progress with the practice that reflects compassion, morality, wisdom and concentration while seeing and understanding the world of existence as it really is....

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