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The epician Times

Many high school students drive to and from school, along with many other places. Not too many students, however, own the cars they are driving. Instead, they end up driving one of their parents’ cars, a car one of their grandparents bought for them, or even a car from one of their rich uncles. Many students also do not have to pay for repairs or insurance or other costly expenses that keep their cars on the road. Even though it makes their lives easier to not have to worry about all these expenses, most high school students still would rather own the cars they drive. Many people think teenagers are not responsible drivers and if they owned their own car, they would become even less responsible. They think this because some teens are irresponsible with the cars they don’t own, yet they might be laying off the rough driving because of the car not being their own. However, many teenagers are safe and responsible drivers, and owning their own car would make them respect the cars they drive even more. Teenagers that do own the cars they drive realize what the costs are of keeping that car on the road, so they end up being more careful when they drive. This is because they are going to want that car to last them as long as possible and keep most of its value just in case they ever want to trade it in. While many people worry about how teens are going to drive if they owned their own cars, others are questioning teens on how they could afford this car. Most adults think that it is crazy for a teen to want to work, especially during the period of his life when he isn’t dependent on himself and he could instead be out enjoying his last youthful years. But when it comes down to it, teens can still work a few of days a week and be able to make car payments and insurance payments or just insurance payments. Plus, teens would be getting job experience that would better him or her in his or her future life. So if a teen took out ...

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