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The World of Christianity

Christianity was founded by Jesus of Nazareth about 4 BCE. Jesus was said tohave been born in Bethlehem, during Herod’s reign. So they started the Christiancalendar soon after and started with year 1. Jesus and his 12 apostles traveled from placeto place teaching and healing. When the Sanhedrin heard of Jesus’s teachings about he,being the savior, “The Son of God,” he condemned Jesus to death. Pontius Pilateoverseen the execution. Jesus was crucified soon after on a cross where he died.Christianity is found almost everywhere in the world today. It accounts foralmost one-third of the world’s population. Christianity originated in the area aroundancient Palestine and spread from there. By 300 CE the religion had spread throughoutthe Mediterranean Sea, reaching to all coasts. The more densely populated areas beingCarthage, Ephesus, and Constantinople. Some think it had spread so well because it wasso easy to embrace. There were not any myths, just a real person with great ethics.Christianity broke into several different religions and denominations. It startedall with Christianity and in 1066 AD it split, separating into the Roman Catholic and theEastern Orthodox churches. After that the Eastern Orthodox branched into Protestantismand that had 3 distinct branches: evangelical, reformed churches, and episcopacy. TheRoman Catholic also had a time of reform and it branched out as well. Today there aredozens of religions that had branched off of Christianity.The basic beliefs of the Christians have been practiced for centuries. Perhaps thegreatest belief, The Bible, and the 27 books that make up the New Testament. Theybelieve in divine creation, and an increased emphasis on God the father. God is thefoundation of the Christian religion. Also the beliefs that all men are created equal, andbelief in the scripture. They believe in first God, then Jesus, and then the Holy Spirit. This is called A...

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