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The BhagavadGita Subdued

The Bhagavad-Gita most likely begins with philosophy instead of ending with it because it gives people the major message of the whole text. If you keep reading and find out the details of how you are supposed to be a good Hindu is up to you. If it were at the end, it would probably not be a holy book, but just a story with a couple morals attached to the ending.An ethical dilemma is a situation where there is no “right” answer and there is no easy way out. Arjuna’s dilemma is that he is bound by caste to be a warrior and to fight but is bound by family “law” not to harm members of his family. He has to make a hard decision and is confused, which is where Krishna comes in. Krishna is the a god incarnate who guides Arjuna through his moral dilemma.Krishna gives Arjuna three paths to salvation. These paths are the path of knowledge, the path of action, and the path of renunciation. Krishna describes the path of action and the path of knowledge to Arjuna, but also tells him that the man who executes an action through knowledge. This seems to be a good way to salvation. Krishna’s description of renunciation sounds almost impossible by human beings, as it is complete nonattachment to everything in order to know the true self. The Bhagavad-Gita is probably written in a dialogue form to give the text more historical value and be more believable, while it also makes it easier to read. Christians believe in the Bible as a historical account of Jesus Christ and all that jazz, Hindus believe the Bhagavad-Gita to be a guide to salvation. It serves as a guide rather than a story, it is just written that way to make it relate to people’s lives more than just Brahman telling people how to achieve salvation....

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