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St Thomas Aquinas

I chose to write about Saint Thomas Aquinas because I have heard of his life and found it There was also a large pool of knowledge to research from, about SaintThomas Aquinas. I also knew he is called Doctor of the church and I wanted to learnmore about that.I was interested in Saint Thomas Aquinas because he was misunderstoodby his peers and was also called "the Dumb Ox". I wanted to understand how someonecan be so misunderstood stood and be a brilliant philosopher. After reading about him Irealize he was truly a humble being who did not need to prove himself to anyone. Hislove of God came first in his life. He was able to overcome the obstacles in his life andpursue his dream of learning about God and the truth. Finding the truth in all things iswhat made Thomas a great saint. Faith and truth were always his main thought.Before I did the research I didn't know what to anticipate, I learned thatThomas Aquinas was a saint, philosopher, theologian, doctor of the church, and a patronof catholic universities. Many religious orders study and follow the teachings andfollowings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. In this paper I have uncovered the true life of SaintThomas Aquinas and his methods of Theology. He strongly emphasized his belief of theology through revolation. By looking further into his teachings, I have become morefamiliar and feel closer to my own personal faith. Saint Thomas Aquinas is one of the most famous saints of the CatholicChurch. He is called a 'Doctor of the Church.' He was a theologian, and philosopher. Atheologian is someone who spends their life thinking about Jesus' life. They figure outthings about God and the Catholic faith through prayer and study. Theologians helpeveryone learn about God. Saint Thomas' love of God and learning wasn't always respected. Hisparents sent him to a monastery when he was five years old to study and learn. Histeachers were surprised by how quickly he learned and his great faith. But when Thom...

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