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Human life contains crisis. This is one reason that religions exist; they seek to deal with the crises that face every human being. Crisis is a major component of any religion including Hinduism, Siddhartha’s religion. Therefore, crisis is a major theme in the novel Siddhartha. He has multiple experiences with life changing crises. The first crisis in his life leaves the biggest impression on me. Siddhartha decides to become a Samana after a group of them come through his town. His best friend, Govinda, does not want him to leave. His father is angry that he wishes to leave. He stands in one place all night until his father finally tells him to go and be a Samana, that is how determined he is. Siddhartha knew it was time to make a choice in his life and do something different. He made this choice although it caused crisis in his life. His crisis had two elements, the first was all the anxiety associated with leaving his family and friends and going out on his own. Second, he realized he had to become a Samana to break the cycle of Samsara. He knew he could do this by bettering himself through discipline and finding his true self. I have had two crisis experiences that stand out in my recent memories. First, in the eighth grade I made the choice to attend a private school that was 30 miles away from where I lived. This was a school that none of my current friends were going to attend. I chose to leave all my friends and thrust myself into a new experience for my own good. My friends didn’t want me to leave, just like Siddhartha’s. The second crisis experience happened four years later when I chose to leave my town and attend college here at the University of Portland. Most of my good friends were staying and going to school in the town that we lived in. These two experiences bear resemblance to Siddhartha’s because they contain similar elements of what makes a crisis. First, the anxiety of leaving friends and st...

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