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Religion Fact or Fiction

The human mind is easily convinced on what the eyes tell the mind. If you see something in front of yourself, you might have an easier time believing, than if one was to tell a story. Religion is a story that has been told for thousands of years, and not till technology has ripened have scientists disproved many beliefs. It is now that mankind lets religion restrain the mind from portraying the truth about life. Some people claim that science does not have all of the answers when it comes to the business of life. They are right. Science is less a body of "facts" than it is is a method of establishing claims about the universe. Claims, which can be tested and measured, reviewed and evaluated. Science cannot tell you if a certain ethical decision is correct, or make judgments about abstractions such as beauty or values. Even so, it can tell us much about the planet we populate, how we evolved, and how much of the universe is out there to date. We can know for certain many things, or at least be reasonably sure of their truth. We know that the earth moves in orbit about the sun, not the opposite as was believed for many generations. As scientific knowledge has expanded, it has confronted numerous religions and beliefs. Religionists have been uncomfortable with these new revelations. People who try to seek absolute truth in the pages of the “Holy Book” such as the Bible, are left as blind. How is a person supposed to reconcile their interpretations with the scientific facts growing day by day in contradictory of their beliefs? It is not easy. While most religionist today read and hear about scientific evidence, they cling to the thought of truth spoke through the Bible. Angels, for instance, have never been detected or examined in a scientific inquiry; but a shocking percentage of Americans, “65% of the U.S. population”(n.y.times4/12/88), believes that these supernatural...

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