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Oscar Romero

Remembering a Hero You can only describe him as a man of determination. Someone who demonstratesextraordinary courage in the face of injustice and inhumanity. He had a resolute intent to do what isright, true, and just, which made him the Archbishop that people remember and make movies about. Because of him, the world was informed about basic human rights and dignities and how this was beingignored in his country of El Salvador. He took it upon himself to use the church as a light of hope tothe oppressed and a challenge to the oppressors.Oscar Romero was born in 1917 and taken away in 1980. He was appointed Archbishop in1977. Before he served his term, the Church in Central America was being protested by twopolitical ideals. One was those priests who wanted non-confrontation with the Church and the state. And those who thought the Church should have say in the government and what it was doing. Romero was chosen because he was thought to be a middle man whom all could agree with. Although, soon after being appointed Romeros close, personal friend Father Rutillo Grande wasassassinated by the governments soldiers. Obviously, this had a significant and intense effect on hislife, changing him from a moderate and equal lookout to a ferocious and impetuous activist againstinjustice. His dramatic and passionate change in view shows how if you put your mind behind what youbelieve you can touch peoples lives and really get things done. As a gesture to his dead friend,Romero refused to appear in any public ceremonies with Army or Government personnel until hethought the true nature of his friends murder was brought to public attention and desired socialchanges were noticeable. Never before had a church official, with such high rank, made such astatement. After he delt with the death of a close religious friend he experienced the loss of a closesocial friend, Lucia. These two knew each other for a long time, and had ancestral ties. ...

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