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In my paper I have decided to use a passage from Matthew 5:1-12. This passage starts "The Sermon on the Mount", and the first teaching that is taught is "True Happiness". I chose this passage because I have heard about the "The Sermon on the Mount" but I thought that I could increase my knowledge and awareness of it. "True Happiness" is something that I am always trying to reach and what everyone is trying to achieve in life. In the Bible, true happiness is dealing with spiritual beliefs in God. Those beliefs, which must be met in order to keep yourself faithful to the Lord. There are several questions which I must answer about this verse, what I believe it means and what it was intended to mean. Since bibles have been repeated over and over again, and they have also been translated from language to language, so I must find out if any important information has been lost in these transitions. I will also be answer several other questions, which I beliefe will be helpful to anyone, though out my paper. As the verse begins Jesus saw a crowd of people, so he headed up the mount side and began teaching his diciples. He teaches several things but the first is "True Happiness", which I believe shows a hidden meaning that the first thing that a person must achieve is true happiness for him or herself. Like I said in the introduction true happiness to people everyone is something different, each person has something that gives them happiness, but in this verse Jesus is say that the path of God is the path to happiness. With the happiness of God "Those who are spiritually poor are happy and that the Kindom of heaven belongs to them.". Along with staement from the Bible there are several others: "Happy are those who mourn; God will comfort them!", Happy are those who are humble; they will recieve what God has promised!", "Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully!", "Happy are those who are mer...

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