I came, I saw, I conquered. These are the words of the man whochanged the course of Greco-Roman history, Julius Caesar (Bernard 34). Julius Caesarwas a very successful leader, he possessed many positive traits which aided himthroughout his life. Caesar was a strong leader whos courage and strength created a verystrong empire. He also was a major part of the Roman Empire because of his intelligenceand knowledge as well as his strong war strategies. Julius Caesar was born in Rome on July 12 or 13, in the year 100 BC. He led apretty normal childhood until his father Gaius Caesar, died when Caesar was 16 years old,leaving it up to his mother to raise him. Caesar's family was part of Rome's originalaristocracy, called patricians. Even though Caesars family was of a higher class thanmost they really held no power or political advantage.As Caesar grew older he wanted distinction for himself and his family. His firststep was to run for a position for public office. In 82 BC Caesar was elected an appointedflamen dialis. Even though the position held no political power for him, he still wanted tobe envolved with politics. He became even more involved when he married Cornelia, thedaughter of Cornelius Cinna in 84 BC (Bernard 58)Many major events continued to take place in Caesars life. Caesar continued toclimb the political ladder throughout the rest of his life, moving up as well as to new places. He divorced, remarried three times, and fought many battles, his first in Gaul,where he discovered that he was a real military genius. ...