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None Provided12

My rendition of Buddha’s life would be in the form of a parable. It would begin with a mother’s yearning for a child. For the good woman had been married to a good man for a long time and even though both were happy, they longed for God’s blessing of a child. One day, a spirit in the form of a white elephant, visited the woman and entered her womb. Buddha had been born many times before, because of the suffering of human beings. Legend had foretold the birth of a son whose greatness would lead him to either becoming King or the greatest being of the entire world.He was born into his wealthy family. His earthly father gave him everything. He did not wish his son to leave the life he had prepared for him because he feared for his life. The son’s name was Siddhartha “wish filler”, or “He who has reached his goal” (Fisher, 129). His heavenly father reminded his son of a vision of his true path. The son left his wealthy, earthly family and proceeded on a search for truth.Renouncing all earthly comforts, he let his mind deal with the truths of living and dying. His inner search for a higher state of liberation from suffering lead to meditation. Buddha entered the light of reunion with his heavenly father. Others who had known Buddha repeated his lessons of simple living and striving for a state of perfection in this life without reward. One gains insight into the paths of existence and the path to freedom. He who follows the path will be saved into eternal bliss with the heavenly father. The parable is of the path taken versus the path of wealth not taken. It is better at times to do the nobler thing instead of the easy thing.The teachings of Buddha I find most interesting are that life inevitably involves suffering, is imperfect and unsatisfactory. Life is always about choice and the path not taken. One has a choice and this choice sets in motion other events. Secondly, suffering originates i...

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